Welcome to the Culture Whisperer


The Culture Whisperer – an organically grown brand and leading authority on Culture and Strategy for executives, organizations, and entrepreneurs seeking solutions to rapidly changing businesses since 2002. We have advised, led, counseled and delivered results with thousands of business professionals in over 22 countries on the realities of their market and how to strategically influence and impact solutions delivering practical, measurable outcomes in a performance growth culture.

Scott was pinned with The Culture Whisperer moniker years ago while working for Masco in CorpDev role having been considered someone who can succinctly deliver results with strong professional relationships. Since that infamous night at Nick’s Fishmarket in the basement of the John Hancock building (now a McDonald’s of all things), The Culture Whisperer provides a strategic course of action, executable tactics and provides the vehicle on how to get there better than most.

That evening as the wine flowed, he was heard saying, “If a culture exists that is not in alignment with its people because of its people, no matter how good the widget, no matter how flawless the process, the company cannot and will not reach beyond its basic need in the market.” This mantra has underpinned our advisory practice to this day. Anyone can trip over themselves to 10-12% market share and mid-teen EBITDA. It takes talent, execution and character to blow the doors off both. We don’t spin it for anyone, we don’t bloviate Management Weasel-speak for your aggrandizement, and we’re not taking you to the “next level.”

What we do from a cultural framework is open the chest of your organization, reveal its true heart versus the pretty exterior uncovering how you really get business done. What you model is what gets done and what you tolerate is what you validate. Cultivating an organic culture of honor, transparency and authenticity requires creating a source of pride in the organization with the most senior leader going first. Without that initial construct, you’re pissing in the wind. If the CEO doesn’t lead the charge, then that’s tacit approval to do as you please so long as it pleases them. Sustainable results are unattainable without the proper culture and climate in an organization…stop lying to yourself thinking you can short-change the process.

The Culture Whisperer insights touch on many topics where influencing culture underpins results. Results always come before culture. Our subjects include scaling your business, sell-side due diligence, legal and tax elements, transaction types, negotiations, leading operations and post-sale integrations all relative to the success of your enterprise. For us as an organization, we deliver a clear, concise, compelling message for Culture, Brand Equity and Shared Vision.

At the end of the day, it’s all about relationships for us! We recognize and establish a confidential relationship with you and take our responsibilities seriously. We adhere to a code of professional ethics, handling all relationships with great care, and we offer advice and insights with courage, truth and grace treating our relationship with the utmost respect and discretion you demand.

…the conversation continues…