Outcomes, Distractions and Disciplines


Many entrepreneurs are focused on outcomes – the next sale, the next client, the next result – whatever that may be. Certainly, we all want to achieve worthwhile goals in our businesses. When we’re solely focused on a result, we often miss why are we moving to that particular goal, how are we going to get there and what can we do to influence that outcome.

Shifting your mindset from the constant barrage of external factors and focusing on the process details we must execute flawlessly is vital. As the business owner, teaching your process and transferring that knowledge is crucial in achieving success and dominating your competition. It’s one situation, one interaction, one play at a time. There is no scoreboard! It’s also one of the most important leadership steps you must take if you’re going to have the business operate day-to-day without you at some future point. 

You and your team are competing against yourselves – executing the processes and systems you’ve established to dominate your market, your segment, your industry to a standard you have established. There are no external factors that are going to determine how your employees execute your process, how they compete and how they perform. They are performing, executing to the best of their potential. It’s up to you to give them tools, resources and an opportunity to fail and to succeed.

Be the best the best player, the best employee, the best teammate you can be because that’s what I’m going to be looking at, and how you’re going to be evaluated. Your standards are not determined by some external factor which includes who the competition is. It’s about being the best version of yourself, not beating the competition. Playing up to your potential all the time and training yourself to do that.

Hopefully your takeaway from this article is the bones of a process and how you, the business owner, can lead your team and your process. Your leadership and your process is to help every employee be successful in life, because they are a part of your program, your business. Tell them to:

Respect the Principles and Values of (Your Business) and to Respect Each Other
Be Positive about how you go about your business, setting a good example for your fellow employees
Be Someone Your Fellow Employees Can Emulate
Be Responsible for Your Own Self-Determination, which is accountability to do your job as best as you can
Work with Perseverance and have pride in your performance to be the best you can be

What’s Missing in Most Businesses?

We believe it’s discipline in making the right choices vs. how they feel at the moment. We have two generations of feelers and few do’ers. It’s up to you to lead and encourage them to do their very best because they get to, not that they want to or have to. It’s a privilege to be a member of your team! If you don’t lead them they will feel their way for 8 hours everyday.

Discipline is doing what you’re supposed to do, when you’re supposed to do it, the way it’s supposed to be done. It’s doing the right thing, the right way, the right time all the time. 

It’s your choice and it’s everywhere – work, school, sports. We choose what we FEEL like doing versus CHOOSING what we know we’re supposed to do to become the best version of ourselves.

Here’s something I know I’m supposed to do, that I really don’t want to do… Can I make myself do it?  There’s something I know I’m not supposed to do, but I want to do it. Can I keep myself from it?

If you can lead your team to make the choices and decisions the right way. you’re always going to be on the right path to accomplish the goals you have set. Do you really want to sell your business in the future? Can you put the pieces in place to achieve that goal? Will you? At JSP, we are M&A Process Specialists and we know what it takes and how it fails. If you’re serious about achieving the exit you’ve worked tirelessly for, then get in touch and we’ll help you get on the path. If you’re already on the path, we’ll help you accelerate the process on your behalf.