Your ability to deliver a clear, concise and compelling message as a leader in your business is what moves your organization forward – doing that takes Rhythm! The ego in which you lead with, the relationships you work with and ultimately the results you provide all have a rhythm that demonstrates your effectiveness and efficiency as a leader.

What leadership strength can you build upon to become more effective?

What behavior is hurting your relationships and thus your performance?

How do you cultivate the proper attitude to become an Elegant Leader? 

When competing priorities pull you in different directions, can you always focus on your performance?

The simplest methodology on Elegant Leadership with Voltage is the balance of egos, results and relationships – the rhythm within you. Elegant Leadership is timeless! Realizing we’re not where we want to be in our leadership presence, competence and proficiency, it takes a resolute spirit and a healthy disposition to come to grips with less than stellar leadership behaviors and perceptions. Long-lasting learning comes at the intersection of being uncomfortable and the willingness to expand that capacity.

If you have the courage to know what’s holding you back from being the Elegant Leader with Voltage you know you are and can be, then taking The Survey No One Wants to Take, from Founder and Director of the Center for Executive Coaching, Andrew Neitlich is for your first step. At the end of the day, every leader is responsible for results, and earning the right to advance and lead is based upon your performance. If Nick Saban hadn’t won a National Championship at LSU, it’s unlikely he would have had the opportunity to coach at Miami in the NFL or at The University of Alabama where he’s won 4 National titles in 7 years. Are you delivering significant results today? And at what cost?

flowing_waterThe costs can be far reaching to your physical and emotional  self not just professional implications. In Communicating Simply and Powerfully, knowing your audience is critical if you’re to preserve relationships on the journey towards great results. If you don’t understand people, then you don’t understand business. As an Elegant Leader with Voltage, your business is people and guiding them to deliver their best is what moves an organization forward.  Look, life comes  at you faster each day and it’s becoming increasingly harder to stay on top of it all.  Some areas of your personal life may have suffered at the expense of your professional decisions, too.

If you’re not the Exception, then try to be the Example

Recently, I was having a discussion on Elegant Leadership with Voltage with a colleague of mine, Carol Marzouk, of Leadership’N Soul about having rhythm between egos, results and relationships and how it affects every aspect of life regardless of title, stature or ethnicity. Leading elegantly is simple, practical, powerful and graceful as Andrew succinctly states it.

How you show up as the leader – day in, day out – is critical to your people. The transparency, the authentic and genuine behaviors you exhibit daily create a rhythm of who you are as THE leader. Now that the kids are in school or off away at college, it’s time for you to refresh and reboot for Q4. A few weeks ago, an article entitled 7 Things for 7 Days  offered an opportunity to re-energize yourself personally and professionally. Keeping yourself aligned in what you do, how you do it and why you do it is where leading with rhythm begins.

Beauty of style, and harmony, and grace and great rhythm depends on simplicity – Plato

How many projects do you have in motion right now? How many projects are you working on that don’t dramatically impact your performance goals or the long term strategy of the organization? Where can you focus your attention and finite personal resources? I’m not proposing you do more with less, rather do more with what you have by focusing your energy and leadership where it’s required. As a leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to grow and develop more leaders. Get it in rhythm today!

Vision is the true creative rhythm

Autumn Rhythm - Jackson Pollock
Autumn Rhythm – Jackson Pollock

What better way to focus your attention than to draft an elegant strategy as we near Q4. In less than one week, we’ll be coming out of Labor Day. What does that mean? There will be less than 75 days before your people will be in “Holiday-mode” – that’s it. Understand, we’re not proposing an all out blitz for two months. Laying a foundation of rhythm in your Elegant Leadership will get you the Voltage needed to be effective and efficient ensuring your ego, relationships and results will deliver your vision.

Our Executive Leaders Dashboard challenges you to clearly and simply state your ideas in seven essential areas for you to learn and to master the practice of Elegant Leadership. Leaders don’t change organizations – people inside the org do! Leaders change themselves on the inside to affect change! Great leaders are humble – it’s not about your confidence and good self-esteem – Elegant Leaders are not arrogant and filled with self-absorbed self-importance. Stop doing what’s not working and chart a new course.

Other articles for review include:

Growing Leaders Today

Why Align Your Talent Strategy to Your Business Strategy

The Three-Legged Chair of Trust

Wisdom Wasn’t At The Top of the Graduate School Mountain

What Happy Leaders Do Everyday – a Top 10

If you’d like to take The Survey No One Wants to Take or for a FREE copy of 7 Steps to Become an Elegant Leader with Voltage click here.