The 3 Legged Chair of Trust, Communication and Respect

Effective communication is far more than information sharing, delivering a clear, concise and compelling message simply and powerfully – it’s about building trust and being trustworthy, having respect and being respectful. In order to see significant or a simple change in an organization or in the behavior of an organization leader that translates into measurable strategic growth, great leaders and professional managers establish and perpetuate an environment of trust through their practical, effective and efficient use of communication. This example of behavior modeling earns respect from colleagues, peers and subordinates even competitors.

In leading a change or in a time of transition, communication is what separates us from the dinosaurs. Simply put, two ears and one mouth, “…lest I open one and validate the fool I am.” When we talk about shouting from the rooftops at The Culture Whisperer, in essence, we espouse communicate relentlessly. Now is not the time to keep quiet! Elegant Leaders are committed to communicating information, thoughts and ideas clearly, frequently and in a variety of media – to inform, educate and motivate, to keep processes and systems open and transparent and to demonstrate an environment, a culture of authenticity and genuine servant leadership. This form of communication is not some fluffy ephemeral hooey that provides no results.

Elegant Leaders communicate effortlessly with power in its simplest form. Elegant Leaders demand the best from their subordinate leaders and from first and second level executives, and then some. Effective communication is about preserving the core of the organization, delivering favorably on expected outcomes all while nurturing and enhancing relationships up, down and across the enterprise.

The successful Elegant Leader listens. The best communicators are also the best listeners. They create an environment where employees are allowed to bitch, gripe or complain without the fear of active or passive recrimination. Pay attention to the why and what others are saying, thinking and feeling – the unspoken and much as the spoken. Listening intently to understand someone’s frame of reference, a position or a valid opinion provides the fluidity in building and maintaining a trusted and respectful culture where people are valued as demonstrated by leadership’s behaviors without perception disconnects.

How To Build The 3 Legged Chair:

Build Unity in Team – Admit you don’t have all the answers and together you’ll accomplish more. Articulate your expectations clearly what, when, why and how work is accomplished. Creating a healthy level of competition establishes the framework for monitoring, measurement and reward.

Always Honest, Genuine and Sincere – Committing to transparency requires Honesty, Integrity and Service. The Elegant Leader will establish and nurture an environment of honest, candid discussions. Follow through in everything you say and do. Your actions are more valuable than your words. The perceptions and active behaviors say more about you and your leadership than the charismatic verbiage.

Understand Doubt – Establishing a climate that encourages professional objection. Objections are opportunities to provide additional information and clarity. Answer the why/why not as we all have doubts, fears and uncertainty.

Respect and Preserve the Culture – Lend a hand and an ear to those through transition by demonstrating consideration and sincere interest in their uncertainty and acknowledge attachment to history – spend more time with them listening. You may learn something!

Expect Confrontation and Conflict – Shit happens, so act quickly. Address challenging issues or conflict immediately – not purporting damage control, spin or any duplicitous crap for your aggrandizement either. Avoiding the difficult people or difficult issues does more harm than good to you, the team and the organization. Stand up and Lead!

They Can Handle the Truth – Trust them to be able to handle the truth. They have the capacity whether you believe it or not – at some point, you’re going to cut the strings. Tell them what you know and own up to what you don’t know. For the sake of Pete – avoid the false positive, poop sandwich crap on decisions or events that are inherently negative or difficult to handle.

You want to be trusted, then demonstrate you can handle the truth by being dead-bone honest. Based on your history, real and perceived, people may not readily tell you the truth or give you feedback. You control that outcome by setting the tone and model the behavior that makes truth-telling safe.

Whether you’re looking to improve your leadership presence, improve the effectiveness of your communications, explore in depth how to communicate and influence with impact,  and deliver every message clearly, concisely and in a compelling manner than working together may be right for you. Take a look at how our Elegant Leaders communicate simply and powerfully and pick up our FREE guide to Leading Elegantly here.

Our proven in-the-field frameworks deliver influence with authentic impact, will build a stronger culture through improved communication as a vital process in your organization, and your leadership will be perceived more positively as a result, you will gain more confidence.