How to Keep a Great Team

Tend to the Soil Last week, I was having a conversation with a good friend who was recently promoted to a COO role and we were bouncing ideas about on some intrinsic ideas on shaping the current culture for the remainder of this year. He’s the type of leader who can easily see the trees, […]

Your Company IS Your Culture

The Company You Keep “Your company doesn’t have a culture. It IS a culture.” – Simon Sinek When you can wrap your arms around that fact, you’re able to step forward into a clearer understanding of what you do and why it matters. It’s partly outcome-based largely on the decisions of its leaders. It’s never […]

How Are You Passing the Baton?

Passing on the Baton Where are you passing on the baton? And who are you passing it on to? In any relay race even in your own hurried existence of life, you’re called to pass along your baton – experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes,  behaviors and habits. You’re probably grateful to someone or several someones who’ve […]

Cracking The Code of Change

Simply stated is the brutal fact: 70% of all change initiatives fail. Why? Managers flounder in an alphabet soup of change methods, drowning in conflicting advice. Change efforts exact a heavy toll – human and economic—as companies flail from one change method to another. To effect successful change, first grasp the two basic theories of change: 1) Theory E – change emphasizing economic value—as measured only […]