Passing on the Baton

Where are you passing on the baton? And who are you passing it on to? In any relay race even in your own hurried existence of life, you’re called to pass along your baton – experience, knowledge, skills, attitudes,  behaviors and habits. You’re probably grateful to someone or several someones who’ve taught, mentored or modeled what a happy successful life looks like.

What are you doing to pass the baton? Some have shown you things to do or how to live. From my youth to yesterday, there have always been people in my life from whom I am learning and others to whom I am trying to pass it on. Like runners in a relay race, we all have a responsibility to pass on the baton.

You have a story to tell. I’ve found some of the best leaders, mentors and coaches are those who are adept at telling a story enveloped with a message to educate and to motivate the listener to act. Each generation has a responsibility to tell the next one about what’s good in life and to warn them of the mess we can make of our lives when we’re far away from what’s good, noble and right.

Whether it was Roscoe Puckett or Ron Harmon teaching me the finer details of sports, sportsmanship or Hilton Phillips teaching me about the business of golf to Larry Bossidy teaching me how to lead people, manage process and to listen to your people, every one of them showed up and passed the baton. They shared their wisdom, trained more than just me – they told, taught and demonstrated to the next generation. They and others were the seeds of the movement we’ve created.

Be a part of passing the baton and join us on the journey to deeper relationships, encourage one another and be that accountability person for each other – a generation of Elegant Leaders.

I welcome you to be a part of #ElegantLeader2020 – a movement of 10,000 men and women doing the right thing at thr right time for the right reason and leading elegantly. Each month we offer a no-cost no obligation first look into what Elegant Leadership with Voltage is, why it matters and how you can practically and immediately apply the principles today. Make your next best step here.