What I Whisper In The Dark Should Be Shouted From The Rooftops

Welcome to the Culture Whisperer – an organically grown brand for over fifteen years and a leading authority on Culture and Strategy for executives, organizational leaders, business professionals, managers, emerging leaders and entrepreneurs seeking solutions to rapidly changing businesses. We have advised, counseled and delivered results with thousands of business professionals in over 12 countries on the realities of the market and how to strategically develop and impact solutions delivering practical, measurable outcomes for our clients in a performance growth culture.

As the Founder and Managing Partner of Brookestone Associates, J. Scott Spector, is a professional manager who has led organizations, divisions and private companies in tune-up, turnaround and start-up environments over the past 20-plus years. From leading sales organizations to eclipse the $100M threshold to executing post-merger integration of $2B home improvement leader as well as coached executives of a $12B global enterprise, he’s lived through the glory days as well as the 50 shades of black and blue of the previous decade.

The tipping point came when on one of those days in realizing colleagues, peers and competitors would come for solutions to a myriad of complex business problems and situations.  For years, he’s been considered one of the best who can succinctly develop a course of action strategically to include executable tactics that drive expected results and provide the vehicle on how to get there better and faster than most while strengthening relationships along the way. Many of these discussions revolved around late-night conversations involving great food, great wine or both. So, why culture? Why not any other dimension?

‘If a culture exists that is not in alignment with its people because of its people, no matter how good the widget, no matter how flawless the process, the company cannot and will not reach beyond its basic need in the market,” a mantra that’s underpinned his practice to this day. Anyone can trip over themselves to 10% market share and high teen EBITDA. It takes talent and execution character to blow the doors off both. He doesn’t spin it for you, there’s no Management Weasel-speak, and he we will not take you to the “next level’ or ‘optimize your sweet spot.”

What he will do is crack open the chest, reveal the true heart of your organization versus the pretty exterior – what true behaviors are being modeled by leadership ‘in the light’ and what’s ‘being whispered in the dark.’ He cultivates an organic culture of honor, transparency and authenticity by creating a source of pride and produces sustainable results when executed to pervade every level of an organization.

The Culture Whisperer focuses on many topics that affect and influence culture. Our subjects include discussions on Influencing Culture, Strategic Change, Leadership Development via the Elegant Leaders with Voltage platform, and Best Practices of Aligning Talent Strategy with Organizational Strategy has on the success of your enterprise.

Known for a twisted sense of humor, Scott’s a seasoned high energy executive driven to create sustainable profitability by leading from the front. He’s the Chief Cheerleader who delivers a concise, compelling message for Culture, Brand Equity and Shared Vision.

He currently resides in Birmingham, Alabama and has two grown children. An avid golfer having played in college and professionally, he earned his PGA card, “a very long time ago,” and has been known to say, “…he can hit a 1 iron better than you, but then why would you…”

Brookestone delivers cradle-to-grave strategic change solutions. If you feel life is coming at you faster every day and it’s hard to stay on top of it all, have areas of your personal life suffering at the expense of your professional decisions, or have specific areas of your life where you want to see change, but not sure how or where to start, then The Culture Whisperer is a good place to begin your journey into Elegant Leadership.

A personal note from Scott – I recognize and establish a confidential, safe environment for you and take these responsibilities seriously. My partners and I adhere to a code of professional ethics, handling all relationships with great care, and we offer advice with courage and honesty and treat sensitive information with the utmost respect and discretion you demand…

…the conversation continues…