How to Keep a Great Team

Tend to the Soil Last week, I was having a conversation with a good friend who was recently promoted to a COO role and we were bouncing ideas about on some intrinsic ideas on shaping the current culture for the remainder of this year. He’s the type of leader who can easily see the trees, […]

Who’s in Charge Here?

Where’s Your Voltage? Does being in charge make you a leader? Absolutely not. Authority is not leadership. Influence is leadership. While we cannot entirely disconnect authority from the leadership equation, I don’t believe we should begin there. From the earliest days, we have been guided and instructed to not confuse a position of authority with a call to lead. […]

Culture – It’s What’s For Dinner

No, It’s Not Dinner and A Movie, but It’s Close. You’re juggling a myriad of priorities and urgencies while doing your level best to give time to relationships that mean the most to you. Perhaps you’re struggling with creating a high performance culture or you seem to be losing traction in tuning up or turning […]

Welcome to The Culture Whisperer

What I Whisper In The Dark Should Be Shouted From The Rooftops Welcome to the Culture Whisperer – an organically grown brand for over fifteen years and a leading authority on Culture and Strategy for executives, organizational leaders, business professionals, managers, emerging leaders and entrepreneurs seeking solutions to rapidly changing businesses. We have advised, counseled […]