What’s Next?

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“…you want to not only survive, but thrive during periods of great change, hunkering down to weather the storm is just about the worst thing you can do…”

First and foremost, we hope you are safe and healthy. We experienced an immediate shutter from most of our clients as they braced for what to do for the health of their people and the health of their businesses. While we empathized and understand the most important focus, we encouraged every client to maintain a ‘lifeline’ – an impartial sounding board alongside so we can help lead each leader through it together. Our goal remains the same, to help you navigate what normal may evolve into amid the pandemic’s impact on your work and life. In an effort to understand how we transition into the next global chapter we will be operating in, we chose to stay in a close communication with our clients to better respond to their needs today and for tomorrow.

Secondly, we specifically chose NOT to inundate your inbox with the repetitive drivel about “how-to” this and “adapting-to” that so many people have been “selling” into us with regard to this pandemic. Similarly to what we’ve lived through over the past five decades is to calmly asses the current situ before announcing some bold prediction or what actions demand our immediate attention. Regardless of your political perspective or socially-driven narrative, we purposely have avoided posting on our channels for this reason also to avoid the numbing many of us have been exposed to the past several months.

Third, we all survived Y2K, 9/11, Ebola and other global instances and we’ll all survive this too! Not making light of the situ either. It’s time to evolve into what each of us must do moving forward to reestablish and redefine what becomes possible for us individually and collectively.

Finally, the question remains:

How do we take action to lead, and emerge stronger from something all of us have never experienced before?

more on this question in the coming days…