Here’s Your Sign!

As Leaders, one of our duties is to be “someone who strives to ensure the people around them are as safe and comfortable as possible” to those we encounter. 

There is perhaps no person that this pertains to more – and to a higher degree – than your partner. All of us look to find and to be led by a person of high character. Most people would agree that good men and women encompass certain behavioral traits throughout the duration of a professional business or even a personal relationship.  This leads to a question: what character traits make up an Elegant Leader? There are indeed many of them. We’ve managed to narrow the “signs” of an Elegant Leader to 8:

They Make You Feel Important

An Elegant Leader is not content with just saying the words that you matter, but is successful in manifesting feelings of safety and of importance by their actions. This includes in the way they interact with you through their communications and their engagement.

They Inspire You. 

An Elegant Leader possesses a strong and unshakable character. As such, they are inspirational in their words and deeds. They never cease to evoke feelings of inspiration, and will inspire you to be the best version of yourself.

They Are Supportive.

An Elegant Leader understands the importance of remaining supportive and accommodating to your needs. This doesn’t entail being a “Yes Man,” but being someone who offers support and accommodation when the situation calls for it.

They Seek Self-Improvement. 

An Elegant Leader rarely accepts much credit. Though they may be intelligent, they seek to always self-improve; whether this is through learning something new, taking on added responsibilities, or getting into better shape – they pride themsleves on becoming better.

They Are Honest and Forthcoming. 

An Elegant Leader will not lie, cheat, or steal. They do not feel any hesitation in telling it like it is, whether what they have to say is good or bad.

They Are Never Abusive Towards Anyone

An Elegant Leader will never be physically, mentally, or emotionally abusive to anyone. Ever! Also,  they will not instigate an abusive episode with anyone else under any circumstance. Instead, they will use their strength of character and intellect to resolve conflicts.

They Work to Earn and Keep Your Trust. 

An Elegant Leader understands that trust cannot be forced; it must be earned. After earning your trust, they will never take such a blessing for granted. Furthermore, they never leave their trust in-doubt.

They Put People First. 

This doesn’t mean they keel over and appease to every whim. It does mean, in most cases, that they will be selfless with their words and deeds. It is an Elegant Leaders responsibility to put their people first, and they do it much more often than not.

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