What Will You Do When the Worst Happens?

When the Worst Happens  The line between an elite athlete and high-performing athlete is incredibly thin. Both take hard work commitment and sacrifice all without any guarantee of long-term success. Both dedicate years of their lives training, working to get better, competing to reach the highest level. Some get the breaks giving them the opportunity […]

It’s Time to Move Forward

What’s Next? [kleo_gap size=”15px” class=”” id=””] “…you want to not only survive, but thrive during periods of great change, hunkering down to weather the storm is just about the worst thing you can do…” First and foremost, we hope you are safe and healthy. We experienced an immediate shutter from most of our clients as […]

Overcome the 5 Failures of Strategic Execution

Remember What They Said in Keokuk? When I speak to executives about what constitutes effective strategy execution, they very often emphasize the importance of ‘communication’ and ‘output’ . If ‘they’ could only master the art of communicating the new corporate strategy, employee alignment would be guaranteed and resistance overcome, and we’d all live in a […]

The Power of Culture

Is It Possible to Unlock the Power of Culture? “If leaders really want people to show up, speak out, take chances and innovate, we have to create cultures where people feel safe—where their belonging is not threatened by speaking out and they are supported when they make decisions to brave the wilderness, stand alone, and […]